This documentation provides a guide for integrating ZenoPay into WordPress site.
Getting Started with ZenoPay
Welcome to ZenoPay! Follow these simple steps to get started with our service:
Step 1: Download the ZenoPay App
Download ZenoPay App for Android or Iphone. Get it on Google Play or App Store.
Step 2: Register and Obtain Your Account ID
Open the Zenopay app.
Complete the registration process to create your account.
Once registered, you will receive an Account ID.
Step 3: Share Your Account ID
To receive your API Key and Secret Key, please share your Account ID with us using the following methods:
Email us at support@zenopay.net
a formally request access to the ZenoPay API for integration purposes with a brief overview of how you intend to utilize the API;
Purpose of Use
: [Briefly explain the intended use, such as processing payments, managing transactions, or facilitating customer payments.]
Platform Links
: [Provide links to your website or applications where the API will be integrated.]
As part of the request, attache the following KYC documents for verification purposes;
BRELA Certificate
– Proof of business registration.
NGO / Business License
– Authorization to operate the business.
TIN Certificate
– Taxpayer Identification Number.
– National Identification for personal verification.
We will review your request and email you the ZenoPay API details within 24 hours
Step 4: Start Using ZenoPay
With your API Key and Secret Key, you can now integrate ZenoPay with your system and start using our services.
For further assistance or if you encounter any issues, please contact our support team at:
Thank you for choosing ZenoPay. We look forward to supporting your business!
Last updated